
The "Target" feature in the Powerviz Activity Gauge allows users to set and visualize targets within their data, helping to track performance and measure progress effectively. This feature includes several key components that can be customized to suit various analytical needs.

Components of the Target Feature

  1. Sum of All Values:

    • Description: This component calculates the total sum of all values within the specified data set or field.

    • Usage: Use this to get a comprehensive view of the aggregated values. For instance, if you are monitoring sales performance, this would sum up all sales figures.

    • Implementation: To configure this:

      • Select the data field you want to aggregate.

      • The system will automatically compute the sum of all values in the chosen field.

      • The result is displayed in the Activity Gauge, clearly indicating total performance.

  2. Max of All Values:

    • Description: This component identifies the maximum value from the set of data or field.

    • Usage: Use this to pinpoint the highest recorded value. For example, it could show the peak sales number or the maximum performance metric within the selected data range.

    • Implementation: To configure this:

      • Select the data field from which you want to extract the maximum value.

      • The system will automatically identify and display the highest value found in that field.

      • This value is then highlighted in the Activity Gauge, helping to visualize the upper boundary of your data set.

  3. By Field:

    • Description: Allows users to select a specific field to be added to the target bucket. This field will then be used for calculations or visualizations.

    • Usage: Ideal for users who need to focus on specific subsets of data or different metrics. For example, you might choose a field representing quarterly sales targets to compare against actual performance.

    • Implementation: To configure this:

      • Choose the desired field from the available list.

      • This field’s values will be used in the Activity Gauge’s calculations.

      • The selected field is added to the target bucket, and its impact is visualized according to the gauge settings.

  4. Custom:

    • Description: Provides flexibility to add any specific value or target that is not derived from the existing data fields.

    • Usage: Use this feature when you need to set a fixed or custom target value that doesn’t directly come from your data fields. For instance, you might set a target sales figure based on business goals rather than historical data.

    • Implementation: To configure this:

      • Enter the custom value or target directly into the provided field.

      • This value will be used in the Activity Gauge, providing a personalized target against which performance can be measured.

      • The custom target will be prominently displayed and compared with actual data.

How to Configure Targets in Powerviz Activity Gauge

  1. Access the Target Configuration:

    • Navigate to the Activity Gauge settings within the Powerviz interface.

  2. Select the Desired Target Type:

    • Choose among Sum of All Values, Max of All Values, By Field, or Custom based on your needs.

  3. Configure Data or Value:

    • For Sum and Max, select the relevant data field.

    • For By Field, choose the specific field to be added to the target bucket.

    • For Custom, input the desired target value manually.

  4. Apply and Save:

    • After configuring the targets, apply the changes and save the settings.

    • The Activity Gauge will update to reflect the new targets, providing visual indicators of performance against these targets.


The "Target" feature in the Powerviz Activity Gauge is a powerful tool for setting and visualizing performance goals. Whether summing all values, identifying maximums, selecting specific fields, or setting custom targets, this feature helps users effectively track and analyze their data performance. By configuring these targets, users can gain valuable insights and make informed decisions based on clear, visual representations of their data.

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