Donut Chart
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The Donut Chart in the KPI visual offers multiple configuration options, providing flexibility to customize its appearance and interactivity. Below are the key settings and features available for the Donut Chart:
Here's a quick guide to create Donut chart in KPI:
In the Data tab, you can map your fields to the Donut Chart:
Value: Select the numeric field that will determine the size of each segment in the donut.
By: Choose the categorical field that will define the segments or groupings for your data.
This tab ensures that your data is appropriately structured and ready for visualization in the Donut Chart.
Inner Radius (%)
Adjust the inner radius of the donut using a percentage slider. This allows you to control how "hollow" the donut appears. Example: Set to 60% for a balanced look.
Color Palette
Choose from a variety of predefined color palettes to style your chart. Options include:
Single: A uniform color for the entire chart with conditional formatting.
Gradient: A smooth gradient transition of colors.
Power BI: Matches Power BI’s default color palette.
Sequential: Creates a progression of colors for data continuity.
Diverging: Contrasting colors for comparing extremes.
Qualitative: Varied colors to distinguish discrete categories.
Enable Highlight
Toggle On/Off: Activate the highlighting feature for specific values.
Display Type
Configure how highlights are displayed:
Min/Max: Highlight the minimum and maximum data points.
First/Last: Highlight the first and last data points.
Last: Highlight the last data points.
Min/Max Colors
Set distinct colors for the Minimum Value (e.g., red) and Maximum Value (e.g., green).
Show Value for Highlights
Enable this toggle to display the values for the highlighted data points directly on the chart.
Click here to explore the Format tab in detail. Explore customization options to modify ranking settings, adjust axis properties, configure gridlines, and fine-tune number formatting to meet your needs. Dive into each section to unlock advanced styling and formatting possibilities.
The Action settings allow you to define interactivity within your report for all visuals. This feature lets you enable or disable cross-filtering capabilities, giving you control over how the visual interacts with others.
Disables interactivity for the selected visual.
When selected, interacting with the visual will not impact or filter other visuals in your report.
Cross Filtering:
Enables cross-filtering functionality.
Interacting with the visual will dynamically filter related visuals, allowing you to analyze specific data points or categories more effectively.
The General section in the Donut Chart settings of KPI allows users to adjust the chart's layout, appearance, and overall styling. This section ensures that the visual integrates seamlessly into your report design while maintaining a polished and professional appearance.
This is common tab for all visuals click here to explore settings.