Get Started

The Powerviz Activity Gauge Visual is easy to configure. In this section, you will learn how to create an advanced Activity Gauge chart. Installation Guide: Installation Guides contain the installation process and instructions on Activity Gauge Visual. Please note that the installation process is the same across all the visuals. You can see the user guide here. Steps: Now you've successfully installed Powerviz Activity Gauge visual to Power BI, let's start making the chart.

Follow the below steps to start the sunburst visual.




Select the Activity Gauge visual from the visualization pane.


Add at least one Dimension to the Category field.


Add one Metric into the Measure field.


To create a hierarchy, insert multiple dimensions in the category field from top to bottom, with the top column being the parent node and the others its child nodes.

Finish Powerviz Activity Gauge is now ready. By default, it shows the top five levels with show remaining as "others."

INFO Use advanced settings to customize all the options in the sunburst except legends and number formatting.

Fields Requirements: An Activity Gauge visual shows the multiple levels from the field with target and base values. Hence, creating an Activity Gauge visual required one metric and one dimension. Activity Gauge will divide each level with its target and value added to the measure.

We have the following fields available in the Activity Gauge field tab:

  • Category: A field with multiple levels should be dragged into the category. You can add as many dimensions in the Category field.

  • Measure: In the measure field, only one measure/numeric-type column can be added, and this value is used to divide the arcs.

  • Target: In the Target field, multiple measure/numeric-type columns can be added, and this value is used to show the targets for the measure field.

  • Tooltip: It is a Power BI native option, you can use it to show additional information about each category on the tooltip. You can also use the tooltip to apply measure-type conditional formatting.

  • Sort: Apply sorting based on any custom column. Drag the column into the Sort field and use the Sorting from advanced settings to select the sorting order.

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