Advanced Text
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The Advanced Text section in the KPI visual offers powerful customization options for displaying textual information alongside key performance indicators (KPIs).
This feature allows users to enhance their visualizations by adding dynamic text elements, such as titles, labels, and descriptive text, with precise control over the font, size, alignment, and positioning.
Choose from a variety of font styles to match your visual design and corporate branding.
Adjust the text size to fit the layout and emphasize specific elements.
Apply Bold, Italic, or Underline styles to highlight or differentiate text.
Automatically enclose text within brackets to emphasize or group information.
Use superscript formatting to display text slightly above the baseline or subscript to display text below the baseline, often used for mathematical or scientific notations.
Choose from four bullet styles, including numbering, to organize and structure information effectively.
Align text within its container (Left, Center, Right) to control the text layout.
Insert clickable links into the text, enabling direct navigation to external or internal resources.
Add emojis to the text for enhanced visual communication or to convey sentiments and ideas.
Quickly revert or repeat recent actions to simplify adjustments and corrections.
Value Pane: Select a measure from your data to represent the value.
Aggregation: Summarize the selected field using one of the following methods:
None: Use the raw values.
Sum: Calculate the total of all values.
Average: Compute the mean of the values.
Min: Display the smallest value.
Max: Display the largest value.
First: Show the first value in the dataset.
Last: Show the last value in the dataset.
Display As: Choose how the value is presented:
Actual: Display the raw or aggregated value.
Percentage: Convert and display the value as a percentage.
Number Formatting: Customize the format of the displayed value:
Display Unit: Choose units such as Auto, Thousand, Million, Billion, or Trillion.
Prefix and Suffix: Add text before or after the value (e.g., $ or %).
Decimals: Set the number of decimal places to display.
+Format: Display positive values as 123 or +123.
-Format: Display negative values as -123 or (123).
Percentage Checkbox: Convert the value to a percentage format.
Comma Checkbox: Add commas to separate large numbers.
Category: Select a field from the category pane.
Aggregation: Choose an aggregation method:
Sort Field: Sort alphabetically by the selected field.
Sort Order: Display values in Ascending or Descending order.
Field: Select a field from the Others Pane for additional use cases.
Value: Select a field to compare values such as first, last, max, total, or average.
By: Choose a category field for grouping comparisons.
Value Type: Use Fixed values, Target Values, or Total Values for comparisons.
Sort Field: Sort by category or value.
Sort Order: Arrange in Ascending or Descending order.
Display As: Choose to display values as Actual or Percentage.
Number Formatting: Apply the same formatting options as in Single Mode.
Value Field: Choose a field to evaluate.
Aggregation: Summarize data using options like Sum, Average, Min, Max, First, or Last.
Comparator: Define conditions such as Greater Than or Less Than to trigger icon changes.
Value Type: Select Fixed or Target Field as the reference for comparison.
Value: Specify the comparison value.
Icon: Choose an icon to represent the evaluated condition dynamically.
Value Field: Select a field for comparison.
Condition: Compare first, last, max, total, or average values within the dataset.
By: Group comparisons by a category field.
Sort Field: Sort by category or value.
Sort Order: Display results in Ascending or Descending order.
Condition: Define whether More is Better or Less is Better.
Icons: Assign icons to represent Good, Neutral, or Bad outcomes.
Dynamically apply specific text to elements based on value-driven conditions.
Assign dynamic text to represent outcomes like Good, Neutral, or Bad based on data comparisons.
The Text Color FX feature allows you to dynamically change the color of text based on data-driven rules. Below are the options available for configuring Text Color FX:
Value Field
Select a field from your dataset to evaluate for conditional formatting.
Summarize the selected field using one of the following methods:
None: Use raw values.
Sum: Calculate the total of all values.
Average: Compute the mean of the values.
Min: Display the smallest value.
Max: Display the largest value.
First: Use the first value in the dataset.
Last: Use the last value in the dataset.
Define a comparison condition for applying the color:
Equal To,
Not Equal To,
Less Than,
Greater Than,
Less Than or Equal To,
Greater Than or Equal To.
Value Type
Specify the type of value for comparison:
Fixed: Use a constant value for the rule.
Target Field: Compare against another field in your dataset.
Enter the fixed value or select the target field for comparison.
Text Color
Choose a specific color to apply to the text when the condition is met.
Value Field
Select a field to compare values such as first, last, max, total, or average.
Compare data points using methods like First vs. Last, Max vs. Average, etc.
Use a fixed value or column for comparison.
By Group comparisons by a selected category field.
Sort Field
Sort by category or value.
Sort Order
Choose to sort the results in Ascending or Descending order.
Define whether More is Better or Less is Better to determine the outcome.
Text Color for Good, Neutral, Bad
Assign specific colors to represent Good, Neutral, or Bad outcomes dynamically.
The Text Background Color FX feature allows you to conditionally format the background color of text based on rules applied to your dataset. Below are the available options:
Value Field
Select a field to evaluate for background color changes.
Summarize the data field using one of the following options:
None, Sum, Average, Min, Max, First, Last.
Choose the condition to evaluate the field:
Equal To, Not Equal To, Less Than, Greater Than, etc.
Value Type
Define the comparison type:
Fixed: Use a static value for the condition.
Target Field: Compare against another data field.
Enter the fixed value or select a target field for comparison.
Text Background Color
Choose a background color to apply when the condition is satisfied.
Value Field
Select a field to compare values like first, last, max, total, or average.
Compare data points using methods like First vs. Next, Last vs. Max, etc.
Use a fixed value or column for comparison.
Group comparisons by category or another field.
Sort Field
Choose to sort by category or value.
Sort Order
Select Ascending or Descending order for sorting.
Define the rule: More is Better or Less is Better.
Text Background Color for Good, Neutral, Bad
Assign background colors dynamically for Good, Neutral, or Bad outcomes.
Style and Appearance
Customize badge styles, radius, and appearance to highlight specific data points.
Select a predefined badge style for consistent visuals.
Dynamic Assignment
Dynamically assign badges for Good, Neutral, or Bad outcomes based on data-driven rules.
Contrast Editor Checkbox
Adjust text contrast to improve visibility and readability.
Autofit Checkbox
Automatically resize content to fit within its designated area.
Vertical Alignment
Align content vertically (Top, Middle, Bottom) within its container.
This is common tab for all visuals click here to explore settings. You can adjust visual properties, manage formatting options, and fine-tune various features to align with your requirements. Make sure to explore each section for a complete configuration.