Linear Gauge
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The Linear Gauge in the KPI tool provides a clear and effective way to measure progress, performance, or comparisons against a target. With its sleek bar-like design, this highly customizable chart helps users visualize key metrics in a simple yet impactful manner. Below is a detailed guide to its features and settings.
Here's a quick guide to create Linear Gauge in KPI:
Gauge Value
Gauge Value Mode: Use this mode to display the gauge value as a percentage (requires a gauge value field in percentage).
Actual-Target Mode: Displays actual and target values (requires both actual and target fields).
Actual Value Field (Only available in Actual-Target Mode)
Specify the field to represent the actual value.
Target Type (Only available in Actual-Target Mode)
From Data: Target values are derived from a field.
Fixed: A constant target value is used.
Target Field (Only available in Actual-Target Mode)
Choose the field representing the target value.
Max Value Type
None: No maximum is applied.
From Data: Maximum value is derived from a data field.
Fixed: Use a constant maximum value.
Gauge Color with Conditional Formatting
Set a default color for the gauge and apply rules for dynamic color changes based on conditions.
Remaining Color with Conditional Formatting
Define the color for the remaining portion of the gauge using conditional formatting.
Gauge Radius
Customize the edge style of the gauge:
Sharp: Straight edges.
Rounded: Smooth, rounded edges.
Custom: Define a custom edge radius.
Actual Marker
Toggle On/Off: Enable or disable the actual value marker.
Size: Adjust the size of the marker.
Color: Set the marker color.
Target Marker
Toggle On/Off: Enable or disable the target marker.
Color: Set the marker color.
Target Label Checkbox: Show or hide the target label.
Auto Size Toggle (On/Off): Automatically adjust the marker size.
IBCS Target Marker Checkbox: Enable or disable the International Business Communication Standards (IBCS) target marker.
Data Labels
Type: Choose to display labels as Actual or Percent values.
Text Size: Adjust the label font size.
Color: Set the label color.
Gauge Scale
Tick Mark Checkbox: Enable or disable tick marks on the scale.
Tick Value Toggle: Show or hide tick values.
Text Size: Set the font size for tick values.
Color: Choose the color for the scale text.
Number Formatting
Display Unit: Select the unit for the gauge values:
None, Auto, Thousand (K), Million (M), Billion (B), Trillion (T).
Prefix: Add a prefix to the values.
Suffix: Add a suffix to the values.
Decimals: Define the number of decimal places.
+Format: Choose between 123
or +123
for positive values.
-Format: Choose between -123
or (123)
for negative values.
Percentage Checkbox: Display values as percentages.
Comma Checkbox: Enable or disable comma separators for numbers.
Global Options
Font Family: Select a font family for all text elements.
Styling: Apply styling options such as Bold (B), Italic (I), or Underline (U).
Show Tooltip: Enable or disable tooltips on hover.
Display Type
Choose how bands are displayed:
By Percentage: Define bands based on percentage ranges.
By Value: Define bands based on specific values.
Show Band Names in Chart Checkbox
Enable or disable band names within the chart.
Band Name Color
Set the color for band names.
Band Details
Band Name: Specify the name of the band.
Value: Define the range or value for the band.
Color: Assign a color to the band.
This is common tab for all visuals click here to explore settings. You can adjust visual properties, manage formatting options, and fine-tune various features to align with your requirements. Make sure to explore each section for a complete configuration.