
The Totals feature in Powerviz heatmaps allows you to display aggregated sums or averages for rows and columns. This setting provides a quick overview of overall data trends and totals, aiding in summary analysis and comparison.

Row Total


  • Label Name: Enter a name for the row total label.

  • Font Family: Choose the font family for the label text.

  • Styling: Apply styling options such as Bold, Italic, and Underline.

  • Text Size: Set a custom font size for the label text.

  • Label Color: Select the color for the label text.

Show Bar

  • Enable Setting: Turn on this setting to display bars representing the total values.

  • Bar Representation: Choose to display bars by percentage of maximum value or percentage of total.

Color Palette

Select a color palette for the total bars. Options include:

  • Single

  • Gradient

  • Sequential

  • Diverging

  • Qualitative

Show Values

  • Enable Setting: Turn on this setting to display values on the total bars.

Value Representation: Choose how to show the values:

  • Absolute

  • Average

  • % of Total

  • % of Max

Formatting options

  • Auto Font Size: Disable to set a manual font size for values.

  • Font Family: Choose the font family for the values.

  • Styling: Apply text styling options such as Bold, Italic, and Underline.

  • Text Color: Select the color for the value text.

  • Text Background Color: Choose a single color or gradient for the background of the text.

Column Total


  • Label Name: Enter a name for the column total label.

  • Font Family: Choose the font family for the label text.

  • Styling: Apply styling options such as Bold, Italic, and Underline.

  • Text Size: Set a custom font size for the label text.

  • Label Color: Select the color for the label text.

Show Bar

  • Enable Setting: Turn on this setting to display bars representing the total values.

  • Bar Representation: Choose to display bars by percentage of maximum value or percentage of total.

Color Palette

Select a color palette for the total bars. Options include:

  • Single

  • Gradient

  • Sequential

  • Diverging

  • Qualitative

Show Values

  • Enable Setting: Turn on this setting to display values on the total bars.

Value Representation: Choose how to show the values:

  • Absolute

  • Average

  • % of Total

  • % of Max

Formatting Options

  • Auto Font Size: Disable to set a manual font size for values.

  • Font Family: Choose the font family for the values.

  • Styling: Apply text styling options such as Bold, Italic, and Underline.

  • Text Color: Select the color for the value text.

  • Text Background Color: Choose a single color or gradient for the background of the text.


Last updated