Format Tab
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Ranking Toggle: Enable or disable ranking.
Ranking: Specify whether to rank Top or Bottom values.
Ranking Count: Define the number of ranked items.
Ranking By: Select the field used for ranking.
Default: Use the default sort order.
Ascending: Sort in ascending order by the selected field.
Descending: Sort in descending order by the selected field.
Legends Toggle: Enable or disable legends.
Position: Choose the legend position (e.g., Bottom Left, Top Center, etc.).
Size: Adjust the legend size.
Color: Set the legend text color.
Toggle On/Off: Show or hide the Y-axis.
Title Checkbox: Enable or disable the axis title.
Labels Toggle: Show or hide Y-axis labels.
Size: Adjust the font size for labels.
Color: Define the label color.
Toggle On/Off: Show or hide the X-axis.
Title Checkbox: Enable or disable the axis title.
Labels Toggle: Show or hide X-axis labels.
Size: Adjust the font size for labels.
Color: Set the label color.
Auto X-Axis Value: Automatically adjust the axis scale.
Toggle On/Off: Enable or disable Y-axis gridlines.
Line Style: Choose from various line styles (e.g., Solid, Dash, Dot).
Width: Adjust the gridline thickness.
Color: Set the gridline color.
Toggle On/Off: Enable or disable X-axis gridlines.
Line Style: Choose from various line styles (e.g., Solid, Dash, Dot).
Width: Adjust the gridline thickness.
Color: Define the gridline color.
The Data Labels section provides customization options for displaying and styling data labels on the chart, ensuring clear and meaningful representation of data values. Below are the available settings:
Adjust the size of the data labels to suit your chart design and improve readability.
Determine where the data labels appear on the chart:
Auto: Automatically decides the optimal position for labels.
Inside End: Places the labels inside the bar at the end.
Outside End: Positions the labels outside the bar at the end.
Inside Center: Centers the labels inside the bar.
Auto Color Toggle
Enable this option to automatically adjust the label color for better visibility against varying bar colors.
Customize the appearance of the data labels with the following formatting options:
Bold: Apply bold text formatting.
Italic: Add italicized styling for a refined look.
Underline: Underline the text for emphasis.
Hide "0"/Null Values
Hide data labels for values that are "0" or null to maintain a clean and uncluttered chart.
Display Unit: Select the unit for displaying values (e.g., Thousand, Million, etc.).
Prefix: Add a prefix to the displayed values.
Suffix: Add a suffix to the displayed values.
Decimals: Set the number of decimal places.
+Format: Choose between 123
or +123
for positive values.
-Format: Choose between -123
or (123)
for negative values.
Percentage Checkbox: Display values as percentages.
Comma Checkbox: Add commas to separate large numbers.
Hide Null Values Checkbox: Enable or disable the display of null values.
Display Null Values As: Choose to display null values as Zero, Null, or Blank.
Font Family: Select a font family for text elements.
Styling (B/I/U): Apply Bold, Italic, or Underline styling.
Show Tooltip: Enable or disable tooltips on hover.